Dear Henry Janzen Families,
I hope that you had a relaxing and energizing summer! We are very excited for the 2019-20 school year! We would like to welcome all new staff to the Janzen team! Our dedicated educators are busy planning, collaborating and establishing priorities for the upcoming school year. Your children are incredibly fortunate to be working with wonderful professionals here at Henry Janzen School!
As we begin another school year, we are reminded of an African proverb; “it takes an entire village to raise a child”. It seems appropriate when we consider the accomplishments achieved and those to come! Your commitment to your child’s education past and present are good examples of what is required of that village to achieve success. Therefore, one of the goals we set this school year is to help build and support an even stronger village by relying on you, the families, who are our most important partners to ensure a quality education for every student! Your input, feedback, and support will be critical to our leadership, the teaching and learning environment, and above all to the success of your child in our school. We look forward to working with you!
Our Director, Mr. Greg Enion, has shared 7 Big Rocks so that as a division we are focusing on common priorities through Leadership for Learning:
- High expectations for all students
- Literacy achievement for all students
- Climate of belonging
- Authentic engagement for all students
- Focusing on Attendance Matters
- Improvement and Success – Celebrating what we do well
- Improving graduation rates of FNMI students
Throughout the school year you will find our staff committed and focused on these seven Big Rocks. Our priorities, efforts, and resources will align with this commitment to enhance the learning journey for every child.
We are excited to see all of our leaders on Tuesday, September 3rd at 8:53 AM! Staff will be on the playground to meet students!
Henry Janzen Team!