Registration Begins now for Fall 2022:
Do you have a child who is or will be 5 years old by December 31, 2021? Do you live in the Henry Janzen area? Please register for kindergarten 2022-23 by calling the main office at (306)791-8523
The placement of students in Kindergarten shall be determined by the age of the student. The placement of students in grade 1 shall be determined by the age of the student!
If you live in the area register now by completing a registration form below and emailing it to Henry Janzen School. Please call the school if you have any questions! We will have a parent orientation in May or June. Stay tuned for more information!
All Kindergarten classes run either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday and alternating Fridays. If you would like to know if your child qualifies for transportation please call the school or visit the School Enrollment Area link. https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/transportation on the Regina Public School website.
Please phone the office at 791-8523 or email henryjanzen@rbe.sk.ca if you have any questions.