August 6, 2020 --Regina Public Schools will be offering remote learning for the 2020/2021 school year. eSchool – Regina Public Schools Online Learning will be for students who cannot participate in an in-class learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Courses are for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and are specifically designed for learning in an online environment. Each online course will be taught by a teacher who will provide learning resources, activities, assessment, and opportunities for interaction. Because online learning is facilitated through the internet, course materials and activities will be accessible anytime and anywhere as long as a student has a device and internet connectivity. However, some learning is also designed to take place offline, in part to avoid excessive screen time. There will be no cost to Regina Public Schools families for this eSchool learning.
Details, about eSchool – Regina Public Schools Online Learning 2020-21, including how to register, will be made available by the last week in August, and will be shared with Regina Public Schools families.
For information relating to home-based education, please click here.