Henry Janzen School Return to School Safety Plan - Fall 2021 |
As we begin this new school year we remind everyone that we each have the
responsibility to do all we can for the health of our school community.
All members of the school community will:
● Take all reasonable actions to ensure their own safety and that of their fellow school family members.
● Self-monitor for symptoms and use the online Saskatchewan COVID-19
Self-Assessment Tool .
● Not attend school when they are symptomatic or required to self-isolate.
● Follow guidelines for building traffic flow, social distancing and personal
Please read the important information below! We look forward to seeing our Jaguars!
1. Hand Washing –All students will be encouraged to wash their hands regularly. Teachers will teach proper hand washing in the first week. Proper hand washing signage will also be added around the school. Please also teach this at home!
2. Hand Sanitizer – Bottles of hand sanitizer will be provided to teachers for use in the classroom. As students come into the classroom, teachers will provide an appropriate amount of hand sanitizer to each student. Hand sanitizer will also be found at the main entrance and shared spaces (teacher prep room, for example). Students who arrive late to school must use the front entrance and use the provided hand sanitizer prior to entering the school office. Please bring scent free hand sanitizer if you decide to send sanitizer to school!
3. Mandatory Mask Usage – All staff and students must wear a mask in our building. Classroom teachers will instruct and help students on proper mask usage. Videos and posters will be available to help. Student masks need to be washed nightly and will do so at home. Families are encouraged to purchase additional masks. Masks brought from home must meet federal standards. Scarves or buffs do not meet the basic requirements and face shields alone are also not a replacement for a mask. Students and staff do not require a mask outside if social distancing and not mixing cohorts.
4. Water -All regular water fountains will be off limits but water bottle fillers will still be working. To avoid long line-ups at the filler stations, students should bring a filled water bottle to school daily, labeled with their name.
5.Assemblies/Community Gatherings – All gatherings (Bring Your Backpack Night, School BBQ, Winter Concert etc.) and assemblies are paused for the time being. All meetings with parents or caregivers will be done by phone or digitally. Parents wishing for a remote meeting can contact the office or the specific teacher to set a time.
6. Related Lessons - Teachers will routinely discuss physical contact and physical
distancing. Floor signage reminding students to stay 2 metres apart and hallway arrows have been added.
7. Seating Plans – A seating plan will be developed for each classroom. A copy of this seating chart will be stored in both the office and in the classroom for tracking purposes.
8. Entering the Building (Guests and Visitors) – Non-essential visitation to schools is discouraged; however, when these visits are needed, schools will maintain a log of all visitors to the school, including parents/caregivers. If a guest or visitor must absolutely come in, they will be escorted by a staff member or Ms. Zikman and required to sanitize their hands, wear a mask, and check in at the office.
9. Entering the Building (Students) – Instead of entering in three boot rooms as in the past, students will now enter through one of 7 doors. Each class will assemble on the playground in marked spots in order to physically distance the students. Only 1 class will be brought through the door at a time and the next class will not enter until the previous class is completely out of the boot room. Students not transported by bus are encouraged to arrive close to the 8:52 bell to avoid overcrowding on the playground.
10. Exiting the Building (Gr. 1-8) – At the end of the day, teachers will escort their students to the playground. Exit times will be staggered. Students are encouraged to make their way home if walking or being picked up to reduce crowding.
11. School Playground - In order to maximize social distancing only students and staff will be recommended on the school playground. If escorting your child to and from school please choose a meet location now and practice prior to school start. Please avoid the front of the school or parking lot!
12. Specialist Teachers – Students will transition to the specialist classrooms this year. Classrooms will be cleaned after each cohort for extra safety measures.
13. Spaces- The Library, Gym and Mini-gym are open and activities will resume as normal in these spaces.
14. Edsby- please stay tuned for more information about Edsby. Powerschool is no longer used in Regina Public Schools. We will require Edsby forms, media forms…to be brought back to the school ASAP. Forms will be sent home this week.
15. Classroom Modifications – Classroom furniture will be limited to tables, chairs and a teacher desk. All extra storage units will be placed in storage in order to maximize physical distancing in the room itself.
16. Office Procedures – Arriving late or coming and going for appointments should be limited as much as possible. Students who are late and need to go to the office for attendance, or who are scheduled to be picked up at times other than 3:38, will need to line up outside the office door and wait to be called in, one at a time. This line will go down the main hallway and will be marked every 2 meters where the next person in line can stand. Parents picking up their students at times other than 11:45 or 3:38 are asked to phone the office when at the front door and your child will be reunited with you. We will have a cart outside if you need to drop off lunches, instruments, binders…. Call the office and we are happy to get these items to the students.
17. Lunch – Students are encouraged to go home for lunch if possible (11:45-12:45)
Students staying for lunch will stay in their own classroom, seated at their regular desk. Handwashing or the use of hand sanitizer will occur before eating. All recycling and packaging will be sent home with students.
Lunch Recess Procedures –Students will be escorted from their lunchroom to their meeting spots by the supervisor. Entry back into the school will be through their assigned doors. All students will wash their hands/use sanitizer once back into the school. Lunch fee forms will be sent out in September. Please use school cash online again this year.
Limiting Shared Materials and E
18. School Supplies – Students will not be sharing supplies – this includes markers, pencils, scissors, etc. All of these items need to be labeled with each individual child’s name. School supply lists are on the school website.
19. Technology – All computers/iPads will be wiped down after each use by the teacher or students in the older grades. Devices will be assigned to as small a group of students as possible. Only teachers will be allowed in rooms where device charging carts are stored and cleaned.
20. Playground – Any equipment (balls, skipping ropes) will be disinfected after use by the teacher or senior students. Playground structures will not be disinfected.
Extra- Curricular
21. Learning-Teachers will assess, anticipate, and develop a plan for meeting outcomes and filling learning gaps if required before moving on to current outcomes. Teachers will focus most on Literacy, Numeracy and Wellness (safety, re-engagement, mental health, etc.) in the beginning. Teachers will set up an online learning platform (Google Classroom) to prepare for possible student illnesses, interruptions to face-to-face learning or a transition to other provincial phases if needed.
22. Extra-Curricular Activities and School Excursions - Clubs, teams, sports, field trips, outings, etc., are a go at the moment. Stay tuned for more information!
Cleaning and Sanitation Guidelines
23.Washroom Usage – To limit the amount of students in the washroom at one time, classroom teachers will only allow 1 student out of their classroom at a time.
Kindergarten classrooms have their own washrooms and will also limit usage to 1 student from their class at any given time.
24. Disinfecting Procedure for Regina Public Schools – Vigorous cleaning procedures have been developed for Regina Public Schools. We are using a product called Vital Oxide. This is a salt-based cleaning solution for spray bottles and misting machines. Disinfection of the entire school will happen each evening. This product is safe for technology, papers, toys, etc. and disinfects after 10 minutes of drying time on surfaces.
25. Washroom Disinfecting – In all Regina Public schools, washrooms will be closed in a staggered routine from 10-10:30 a.m. and again from 1:15 – 1:45 p.m. to perform a disinfecting procedure. Any individual washroom will be closed for a maximum of 10 minutes.
26. Head Facilities Officer - Our HFO will maintain cleaning protocols laid out by the division including increased disinfecting of door handles, light switches and all shared areas.
Illness in Care
27. Isolation Area for COVID-19 Symptoms - A space has been created for students who are feeling ill or showing symptoms. Masks, rubber gloves, hand sanitizer are available. Parents will be called and must pick up their child. For more information please visit Saskatchewan Government Safe Attendance Procedures . The principal, vice-principal or school staff member will be assigned to supervise the student until they have been picked up. Once the student leaves this space will be disinfected. All areas touched by the ill child will be cleaned and disinfected and any items touched by the child that cannot be cleaned and disinfected will be removed and stored in a sealed container for a minimum of three days. COVID-19 Symptoms - All parents, guardians, students and staff who are confirmed to be COVID-19 positive and/or under mandatory self-isolation must not enter the school. Instead, they must stay home and self-isolate. Students and staff can return to school once they are cleared by public health. Any questions we recommend you calling SHA.
Mental Health and Social-Emotional S
28. Arrival of Bussed Students - Once students arrive in the morning they will go to their cohort areas on the playground. Supervisors are assigned to help support.
29. Physical Distance - Bus drivers will develop seating plans and distance students as much as possible. Siblings will be seated together. Bus drivers will be wearing masks. Hand sanitizer will be made available. Buses will be thoroughly cleaned after all runs.
30. Safety - The bus driver will be focusing on the road so students have the responsibility to face forward, stay seated and wear a mask. Students not able to adhere to these safety rules will be asked to find alternate transportation.
Back to School Procedures
31. Communication - Class lists of students created in June will be reviewed and adjusted depending on the number of students newly registered/opting for eLearning. Teachers will contact their students to introduce themselves and share additional details prior to day 1 with students. Please email the classroom teacher if you have any questions.
32. Calendar - The school calendar for 2021-2022 will remain in effect despite the staggered start. Please see the RBE website for school calendars.
33. Students and Staff Only on the Playgrounds - Cohort groups will be separated as much as possible so there will not be room for parents on the school playground before or after school. Decide now where you will meet your young child off school grounds if coming to pick them up and practice before school starts on September 1st so the routine is well understood. Supervisors will be on site to assist our youngest students find their parents/guardians.
34. Recesses- We will be having regular scheduled recesses this year! Masks are not required outside for staff or students unless mixing of cohorts or not physical distancing.
Our new school hours are:
8:52- School starts (please have students arrive as close to 8:52 as possible. Supervisors start on the playground at 8:38)
8:52– 10:30 – Morning classes
10:30-10:45- Recess
10:45-11:45- Morning classes
11:45 – 12:30 – Lunch
12:30-12:45- Recess
12:45 – 2:15 – Afternoon classes
2:15-2:30- Recess
2:30-3:38- Afternoon classes
3:38 – Dismissal
We ask that students not coming by bus come as close to 8:52 as possible to avoid overcrowding. The same applies at 3:38.
This safety plan will be updated as required by emerging health risk assessments! We are excited to be back! We look forward to an amazing year together! I also want to encourage you to check our RBE website, School website, Twitter feed and SCC Facebook page for the most current information. All students return on September 1st! We will NOT be doing a staggered start. Classroom teachers will reach out to families.
The Henry Janzen Team!